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Bees at Work


BeeLife is actively engaged in innovation and promotion projects, thus taking an active role in creating a better future for bee and pollinator health. 

Active Projects

EU Bee Lovers - 2022/2024

EU Bee Lovers is a project supported by the European Commission to raise awareness about the importance of bees, pollinators, the importance of bee-friendly farming, and the consumption of European honey.

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EU Bee Partnership Operational Platform

After developing the Bee Hub Proof of Concept and the EU Bee Partnership Prototype Platform on Bee Health, BeeLife, together with ZIP Solutions, the Steirischer Landesverband für Bienenzucht, and CRA-W, will continue developing the platform for data collection and standardisation related to bees and pollinators.


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) funds the development of the platform to respond to the needs identified and called for by the EU Bee Partnership.  

Past Projects

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BeeLife led the development of the EU Bee Partnership Prototype Platform on Bee Health. A new online platform to centralise and visualise data related to pollinators. The platform is inspired on BeeLife's original platform development, The Bee Hub. 


BeeLife was a partner of the EU-funded project The Internet of Bees (IoBee) (2017-2020).


The project aimed at​

Disrupting the beehive digital monitoring market by developing and improving cutting-edge digital monitoring systems for beehives and pollinators, paired with spatial decision support system (SDSS).

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