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Rachel Carson Pesticide Action Month

On the 27th of September 1962, Rachel Carson published her famous book ‘Silent Spring’. She gave the world an important warning. But the world didn't listen to her and the system didn’t change. Silent spring is here and beekeepers are on the front line witnessing it. That is why we urge decision-makers, EU and national governments to act coherently and increase their ambitions in the pesticide reduction targets. The silent spring cannot continue. We need ambitious pesticide reduction targets now more than ever to restore biodiversity & ensure long-term food security.

To commemorate Rachel Carson's work and increase awareness on the need to put an end to pesticides, environmental NGOs launch Pesticide Action Month on the 60th anniversary of Silent Spring. During the month, many pesticide-related events will take place both in-person and online.

You can find below the full agenda of the EU events on the Rachel Carson Pesticide Action Month:

  • Sep 22: Silent Spring Forum at the Terra Madre event by Slow Food in Torino, Italy with Vicki Assevero, Larissa Bombardi, Claudio Porrini and Martin Dermine (PAN Europe)

  • Sep 25: Smoke & Mirrors, Exposing the PR tactics of the pesticide industry online event by PAN UK with journalist Carey Gilliam, author Anna Lappé and Jennifer Jacquet, Professor in the Department of Environmental Studies at NYU

  • Sep 27: Book date and new PAN Europe report : Pesticide Paradise, how industry and officials protected the most toxic pesticides

  • Sep 28: Pesticide Free Towns meeting Mayors in Brussels with Dave Goulson

  • Sep 28: "Bees, farmers and young generations, surviving amongst pesticides"

    • Online debate 19:00: Thomas Waits (Green MEP) and Johanna Sandahl (president EEB)

    • Screening the movie Earth: Muted(link is external) online from September 28 at 00:00 CEST – 4 October 23:59

  • Sep 29: Pesticide Free Town visiting Josephat Park with Mayor of Schaerbeek, Brussels. Park pesticide free since 2003

  • Oct 1: Start of Good Food Good Farming Days of Action – Pesticide Check Up + local actions

  • Oct 6: Science, lobbies and the environment: marking the 60th anniversary of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring(link is external) , Seminar with Naomi Oreskes, Jeroen van der Sluijs, Nina Holland, Andrea Saltelli and Stéphane Foucart, organised by Corporate Europe Observatory and the University of Bergen (Norway)

  • Oct 20: Event in the Parliament of Slovenia: Ecological transition starts with agronomy, increasing IPM uptake and significant pesticide dependency reductions

  • Oct 25: Presentation of the Pesticide Atlas, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, FoE Europe and PAN Europe with MEPs

  • Oct 26: Hybrid event on pesticide free nature areas (14:00 - 16:00) with Sarah Wiener (MEP), Carsten Bruhl (University of Koblenz) and Koen Hertoge (PAN Europe)

  • Oct 27: Good Food Good Farming action Brussels

  • Oct 28: Solutions for the ecological transition for Croatia – reducing pesticide use by increasing IPM uptake

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