The European Citizens Initiative Save Bees and Farmers has reached its goal of 1 million signatures! But the work is not over yet. Following trends from previous ECIs, national authorities invalidate around 15% of signatures because the form is not correctly filled or there is a mistake in the provided information. Therefore, we need to reach 1.150.000 signatures to be safe and secure that the ECI will be successful after the validation process.
Tomorrow Sep 30, will be the last day to collect signatures, and you can help us reach this goal. So sign the ECI and share this e-mail or the link below with your contacts!
Your voice counts! With your help, we are building the future: a safe environment for bees and a fair agriculture for people.
More information about the ECI Save Bees and Farmers
The Save Bees and Farmers initiative aims to become a catalyst to transform agriculture towards a model based on agroecological principles and promoting biodiversity. Such an agricultural model preserves natural resources, prevents soil degradation, builds up soil fertility and thus contributes to climate protection by absorbing more greenhouse gases from the atmosphere than it releases. It also ensures fair economic conditions for farmers, respecting the rights of medium and small farmers, thus transforming the current trends of intensive agriculture that sees a decreasing number of farmers. Moreover, such an agricultural model is the only possible response to the growing challenges posed by the biodiversity and climate crises. It is therefore also best suited to securing the world's food supply for future generations.
To effectively counter the decline of environmental health, the ECI is calling to:
Phase-out synthetic pesticides by 2035:
Phase-out synthetic pesticides in EU agriculture by 80% by 2030, starting with the most hazardous, to become 100% pesticide-free by 2035.
Restore biodiversity:
Restore natural ecosystems in agricultural areas so that farming becomes a vector of biodiversity recovery.
Support farmers in the transition:
Reform agriculture by prioritising small scale, diverse and sustainable farming, supporting a rapid increase in agroecological and organic practice, and enabling independent farmer-based training and research into pesticide- and GMO-free farming.
You can contribute to a better future for bees, farmers, and everyone, by signing the ECI Save Bees and Farmers and sharing the initiative. If you are part of an organisation, you can also help by collecting signatures through your members and network.
The ECI already counts with over 1.000.000 signatures from all over Europe. Besides, ten countries (out of seven required) already achieved the minimum threshold of signatures: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, The Netherlands, and Spain.