Bees play an essential role in sustaining a healthy environment and in our food security. Besides, we have a strong cultural link to bees, with thousands of years of recorded beekeeping activities. Authorities and citizens have been increasingly acknowledging the importance of bees and since 2018, people around the world celebrate the World Bee Day, as proclaimed by the United Nations.
For the third celebration of the World Bee Day, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the UN agency fighting hunger and working to improve global food security, is organising a webinar to highlight the importance of bees, including their pollination services, their products and the role of beekeepers. The event is organised in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the Apicultural Science Association of China (ASAC), the Permanent Representation of Slovenia and Apimondia.
The webinar will start on May 20 at 12PM Rome time.
Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the event will be held online throughout an online meeting. The webcast of the meeting will be available at: