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Continue the efforts to strengthen the EU Pollinators Initiative

The EU Pollinators Initiative was an important first step towards the protection of these animals in Europe. Still, its practical impact has not yet been observed. BeeLife contributed already in 2018 with the ideal shaping of the EU Pollinators Initiative [1]. We reiterate the importance of pollinators and biodiversity in general for our food security, biodiversity, and planet fecundity, but also for our culture, economy and well-being. Here, we contribute again by highlighting a number of issues in which we consider Europe and, mainly the member states, should continue putting efforts and increasing their ambition. Otherwise, the Green Deal objectives will never be achieved.

[1] BeeLife European Beekeeping Coordination. 2018. Ideal Shaping of the EU Pollinator Initiative.

*The public consultation for the EU Pollinators Initiative is open until midnight on 9 June.


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