Since it was declared by the United Nations in 2017, each year on 20 May bee-lovers around the globe are celebrating World Bee Day.
To highlight this day and the importance of bees and other pollinators, BeeLife has organised its first-ever Photo Contest. We were amazed by the great number of photos submitted by bee-lovers. Almost 250 photos were sent to us. Our jury has enjoyed the selection process which resulted in pointing out the 3 winners.
We would like to thank all the contestants who participated and shared with us their beautifully captured moments with these tiny creatures.
We would like to wish you a Happy World Bee Day in 2022 with these 3 winning photographs by Zdeněk Čejka, Shoyeb Anwarul Azim and Yuan Yi. Congratulations! Truly amazing shots!
Winner: Zdeněk Čejka
Location: Budyně nad Ohří, Ústecký kraj, Czech Republic
Description: I took photos of the bees with a friend a beekeeper friend. I lurked in the immediate vicinity of the hives for the bees to capture the best possible images while flying to collect the nectar.
Winner: Shoyeb Anwarul Azim
Location: Dhaka, Region: Gulshan, Bangladesh
Title: The Hard Worker
Description: After the honey bees, sweat bees, also known as Halictidae are the largest family of bees. These bees are one of the fastest bees and the average speed of a sweat bee is 17-20 mph (24-28 kph). A sweat bee has a major role to play in farms and agricultural fields. They primarily pollinate the indigenous plants where they dwell. The female sweat bees play a significant role in carrying pollen on their back and pollinate different plants such as sunflowers, wildflowers, Medicago sativa, and many more.
Winner: Yuan Yi
Location: Guangchang County, Jiangxi Province, China
Title: Feast of flowers
Description: The golden chrysanthemums exude a faint fragrance, which attracts bees and deer moths, sharing a feast of flowers.
Next to this positive news, we have to keep in mind that pollinators continuously facing challenges and the decline of insect populations is drastic.
As BeeLife, we continue working to protect and promote these beautiful animals and nature. For this reason, we work hard to flower our agricultural territories and urban areas, create habitat and reduce the contaminants that can harm pollinators, nature and us humans. Keep tuned!