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Bee Week buzzing at EU Parliament


Louvain-La-Neuve, 29 June 2017

From 26 to 28 June, the European Parliament in Brussels was home to the 6th European Bee Week. It was hosted by MEP Mariya Gabriel and co-organised by Bee Life European Beekeeping Coordination, Réseau Biodiversité pour les abeilles, EFSA, UNDP, EPBA, Copa-Cogeca, and many more partners. The week allowed stakeholders from all over Europe and mediterranean countries to meet and exchange on the future of beekeeping.

Monday 26 was dedicated to a scientific symposium called “Collecting and sharing data on bee health: Towards a European Bee Partnership”, where a packed room discussed the latest scientific forays into data collecting and committed to setting up the Partnership in a near future.

Tuesday 27 saw a series of workshops on subjects including a workshop on bee-friendly cities, which marked the first step toward the creation of a European network, a Euro-Mediterranean dialogue of beekeepers which included representatives from over 11 countries and a beekeepers and farmers’ forum, which offered a setting to a much needed dialogue. The day ended with a Discovery night, where attendees could unwind while tasting honey beer from several European producers and honey-based cocktails, as well as Bulgarian and French honey, gingerbread and French mead.

The Bee Week closed on Wednesday with a High Level Conference whith opening statements from Commissioner Phil Hogan, Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General of the Copa-Cogeca, and Barbara Pesce Monteiro, UN-UNDP Director in Brussels. During the conference, the European beekeeping sector delivered its position paper on the future of the CAP to Mariya Gabriel.

The event was buzzing! It showed a willingness to communicate and work together and established an action plan for the year to come. The 2018 Bee Week will reveal how the different subjects advance, we hope it will be as productive as in 2017!


Bee Life European Beekeeping Coordination

Tel: +32 10 47 16 34

Place Croix du Sud, 4 bte L7.07.09

1348 Louvain-la-Neuve


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