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ADA AURA joined the EU Pollinator Hub community

We are excited and happy to announce the collaboration of ADA AURA with the EU Pollinator Hub. ADA AURA is a non-profit association working on the development of beekeeping in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in France, since the 1990s. The association just joined the data-sharing community of the EU Pollinator Hub, which centralises data related to beekeeping and pollinator ecology.

We are thrilled with this new partnership enabling users of the EU Pollinator Hub to gain access to the rich field observations done by ADA AURA and its collaborating beekeepers. With this collaboration, the world will know about the bee situation in this part of France, and the nice work performed by ADA AURA in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. They are fueling the platform with a variety of data from 1990 to 2020: winter mortality of bees, varroa infestation levels, etc.. Users will be able to filter and visualise ADA AURA’s information on the EU Pollinator Hub as soon as it is launched for the public in mid 2023.

Currently, the prototype version of the platform is open and available for the general public. We continue working hard behind the scenes to provide you with an operational platform with historical and live data from the pollinator world, so when the platform is launched you can immediately enjoy browsing information about pollinators from all across Europe.

We can’t wait to announce our next partnership. Are you interested? Contact us at info@bee-life for more information on how to collaborate for a better future for pollinators and the environment. Become part of the European colony!


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