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Protecting bees, pollinators, and biodiversity

BeeLife's main objective is to protect bees and other insect pollinators to protect biodiversity and ensure healthy ecosystems across the European Union. We strive to help EU policymakers make informed decisions that support a system that protects and benefits from pollinators. 


We mainly fight against the indiscriminate use of environmentally harmful pesticides and insecticides. We expect to achieve this through informative action, raising awareness, collaborative projects and advocacy to create pollinator-friendly agricultural practices and sustainable landscape policies.


BeeLife is constituted by experts from the beekeeping sector, providing first-hand knowledge on pollinators'​ health and activity. 



Explore our dedicated efforts to protect pollinators in Europe and discover how we’re working to ensure a sustainable future for these vital species.


🌼 BeeLife champions bee and biodiversity health in Europe, tackling environmental and public health threat regulations (like pesticides, GMOs, or invasive species), shaping the future of the Common Agricultural Policy, and engaging directly with stakeholders to drive change.


BeeLife rallies citizens for pollinators, leading campaigns, backing ECIs like "Save Bees and Farmers" or "Stop Glyphosate," raising awareness on biodiversity, or co-hosting European Bee and Pollination Week at the EU Parliament.


BeeLife is driving European policy for pollinators! 🐝 We engage with the field practitioners, academia and policymakers to ensure a safer environment for bees, pollinators and us all. Join us in supporting a thriving future for pollinators!


BeeLife drives innovation to improve bee and pollinator health. Collaborating with researchers and stakeholders, we create solutions to support these vital species and promote sustainable practices. We also lead initiatives like the EU Pollinator Hub.


BeeLife's members work together to protect bees, biodiversity, and our future because saving bees and pollinators means saving the planet



The Leadership Behind Our Pollinator Protection Initiative

Meet the passionate minds behind our mission! Our team of dedicated experts, advocates, and nature enthusiasts is united by one goal: protecting pollinators and ensuring a thriving, sustainable future for Europe’s ecosystems. Together, we’re building a buzz for change—one flower, bee, and butterfly at a time!


Donations fuel our fight to cut synthetic pesticides by 80% in EU agriculture by 2030

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